RE: [-empyre-] website

Quoting Judy Malloy <>:
Thanks Judy - great site with very interesting links. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
As a strategist for the NZ government in digital media and creative industries 
I am constantly excited and inspired by what people generally are doing with 
technology but i have to say, to add to this discussion, that the majority of 
engagement i have is undoubtedtly still with men/boys despite post-modernism, 
feminism, gender initiatives in schools etc. So there are still many issue 
about girls and women adopting technology innovation as an aspiration - or tool 
for doing what they want whether it be for entertainmetn (e.g. interactive 
games - totally dominated by male designers writers - which my mission is to 
rebalance) and also for education or social experience and enhancement.

I think Dale Spender wrote a great book "Nattering on the Net" which really 
explored how women and girls used the net - for communicating with each other - 
informal networks, personalising the technology through 'engagement' 
not 'escapism' which is often what the video game genre is about - escaping 
from real life - immersing oneself in a dialogue with the 'other' which may be 
non-humna - a character, a gun, a futuristic world etc.

Donna Harraway in her book "Modest_Witness@Second@Millennium. Female Man 
_Meets_OncoMouse" is an exploration of Feminism and Technoscience. She explores 
futuristic themes of women's engagement with science and technology which is 
very fascinating. THroughout the text are amazing commissioned works by artist, 
Lynn Randolph and much of the discussion is also about the effect of a highly 
technologised world and its effect on women and girls in particular, but also 
social commentary on humanity.  Both of these women are thought leaders in this 
space creating a dialogue with text and visual media throughout the book.

Another woman in this space is Sadie Plant from the UK - a self proclaimed 

If you search either woman on you'll find many references.

Doing my masters on Women and New Media I was excited to discover many women 
using the web as a professional and a personal medium - I think this is only at 
the very beginning stages and as we go down the path of more ubiquitous 
broadband and totally immersive experiences in cyberspace lets make sure women 
are creating those spaces, not just inhabiting them.


Clare O from New Zealand

> The book has a website at
> In addition to a table of contents and ordering info,
> the web site updates the book with new material and links to
> new material. I'm still working on this - have already added
> some links suggested by this list and will be adding more
> this week. 
> If anyone has more suggestions, please either
> post them to this list or email them to me personally,
> whichever you prefer.
> Three chapters from the book will be included in an upcoming issue 
> of Leonardo Electronic Almanac. They are
> Valerie Soe: Video arte povera
> Dawn Stoppiello and Mark Coniglio - Fleshmotor
> and part of Kathy Rae Huffman's chapter:
> Face Settings: an International Co-Cooking and Communication Project by
> Eva Wohlgemuth and Kathy Rae Huffman
> I'll post the url when it is available.
> In answer to your other question, the book is about women artists
> working
> in new media. So, there isn't much emphasis on fear of technology
> associated with gender.
> However, there is a chapter by Brenda Laurel that covers Purple Moon,
> the software
> she created for girls and some of her thoughts about the importance of
> this
> in getting more young women accustomed to working with computers.
> And Martha Burkle Bonecchi's chapter addresses obstacles in third world
> countries.
> Best,
> Judy
> At 05:46 AM 12/13/03 -0800, you wrote:
> >Hi Judy,
> >
> >Are there parts of your book online? If so, could you provide some URLs
> and
> >also URLs to any other relevant material such as reviews or other
> related
> >stuff, please? A URL to Amazon, too, would not be irrelevant.
> >
> >Anything in the book about different levels of fear, or different
> attitudes
> >about/toward fear of technology associated with gender?
> >
> >ja
> >
> >
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> >empyre forum
> >
> > 
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